Sunday 15 April 2018

Medical Entrance Examinations

 Medical Entrance Examinations

C.P.M.T. Entrance Exam., 2008Zoology : Solved Paper
1. Bruch’s membrane is found in—
(A) Inner ear (B) Uvea of eye
(C) Testes (D) Pancreas

2. Which part of brain allows one side of brain to control opposite side of body ?
(A) Midbrain (B) Medulla
(C) Cerebellum (D) Pons

3. Fetuin is found in—
(A) Foetus (B) Liver
(C) Spleen (D) None of these

4. Hensen’s body is associated with—
(A) Retina of eye (B) Organ of Corti
(C) Heart (D) Skin

5. Sensory receptor of warmth located principally at the lip of fingers is known as—
(A) Ruffini’s corpuscles (B) Organ of Zuckerkandl
(C) Organ of Giraldes (D) Weber’s organ

6. Which of the following is basic amino acid ?
(A) Alanine (B) Aspartic acid
(C) Asparagine (D) Arginine

7. Which of the following amino acid is sulphurbearing compound ?
(A) Methionine (B) Alanine
(C) Aspartic acid (D) Arginine

8. Negri bodies are associated with—
(A) Rabies (B) Typhoid
(C) Tuberclosis (D) Hepatitis

9. Schultze’s bundle is associated with—
(A) Brain (B) Spinal cord
(C) Heart (D) None of these

10. Schlemm’s canal is present in—
(A) Eye (B) Cochlea
(C) Spinal cord (D) Vertebrae

11. Capsule of Tenon is associated with—
(A) Eyeball (B) Brain
(C) Skin (D) Kidney

12. Which of the following law is associated with the fact that anterior spinal nerve roots contain only motor fibres and posterior roots only sensory fibres ?
(A) Magendie’s law (B) Bell’s law
(C) Both (A) and (B) (D) None of these

13. In birds—
(A) Left oviduct and right aortic arch are present
(B) Left oviduct and left aortic arch are present
(C) Right oviduct, left ovary and right aortic arch are present
(D) Left oviduct, left ovary and right aortic arch are present

14. Ancestral amphibians were tetrapods that evolved during—
(A) Devonian period (B) Carboniferous period
(C) Jurassic period (D) Cretaceous period

15. Community health services involves—
(A) Control of communicable diseases (B) School and health education
(C) Awareness of clean environment (D) All the above

16. The active rolling over of endodermal and mesodermal cells from the embryo surface 
into the interior is defined as—
(A) Ingression (B) Involution
(C) Epiboly (D) Inversion

17. The wall of heart is made up of—
(A) Epicardium (B) Myocardium
(C) Endocardium (D) All the above

18. Genetic counsellors can identify heterozygous individuals by—
(A) Height of individual (B) Colour of individual
(C) Screening procedures (D) All the above

19. Which of the following enzyme is secreted by intestinal mucosa that remain closely associated with the microvilli ?
(A) Peptidase (B) Disaccharidase
(C) Trypsin (D) Both (A) and (B)

20. Which of the following is absorbed by intestinal mucosa by active transport ?
(A) Galactose (B) Glucose
(C) Fructose (D) Both (A) and (B)

21. A starving person consumes first—
(A) Body fats (B) Body proteins
(C) Vitamins (D) Stored glycogen

22. The functional unit of contractile system in striated muscle is—
(A) Cross bridges (B) Sarcomeres
(C) Myofibril (D) Z-band

23. Globular proteins undergo structural changes in response to extremes of pH or temperature, is called—
(A) Renaturation (B) Denaturation
(C) Combination (D) Both (A) and (B)

24. The study of relationships between size and shape is known as—
(A) Allometry (B) Heterochrony
(C) Isometry (D) Allochrony

25. A localised tumour covered by connective tissue is called—
(A) Metastasis (B) Neoplasm
(C) Benign tumour (D) Malignant tumour

26. Hürthle cell is associated with—
(A) Thyroid gland (B) Pituitary gland
(C) Adrenal gland (D) Pancreas

27. A metastatic cancerous tumour is termed ‘sarcoma’, if the disorder is in—
(A) Immune system (B) Epithelial cells
(C) Fibroblasts (D) Circulatory system

28. Graft between isogenic individuals is known as—
(A) Syngraft (B) Allograft
(C) Xenograft (D) None of these

29. The most striking example of point mutation is found in a disorder called—
(A) Thalassemia (B) Nightblindness
(C) Down’s syndrome (D) Sickle-cell anaemia

30. The phenomenon of ‘industrial melanism’ demonstrates—
(A) Natural selection (B) Induced mutation
(C) Reproductive isolation (D) Geographical isolation

31. Overproduction of which of the following neurotransmitter has been associated with the mental disorder ‘Schizophrenia’ ?
(A) Acetylcholine (B) GABA
(C) Dopamine (D) Serotonin

32. Milk tastes sour when kept in the open for sometime due to for-mation of—
(A) Carbonic acid (B) Lactic acid
(C) Citric acid (D) Malic acid

33. Red tide is caused by—
(A) Protozoans (B) Corals
(C) Dinoflagellates (D) All the above

34. A type of hypersensitivity to allergen in which humoral antibodies attach to mast cells and basophils, may result in circulatory shock, is called—
(A) Orthopnea (B) Anaphylaxis
(C) Rhinitis (D) Immunologic surveillance

35. Organisms with very high intrinsic growth rates have—
(A) Long generation times (B) Short generation times
(C) No courtship behaviours (D) No carrying capacity

36. Which of the following organism is iteroparous ?
(A) Pacific salmon fish (B) Virus
(C) Bacteria (D) Humans

37. A micromutation is—
(A) Polyploidy (B) Addition of chromosome
(C) Deletion of chromosome (D) Change in gene frequency

38. The limited period of sexual receptivity that occurs around the time of ovulation in all
female mammals except humans is called—
(A) Menstruation (B) Luteinization
(C) Oogenesis (D) Estrus

39. The rate and force of the heart-beat, and the secretion of digestive glands are controlled by—
(A) Central nervous system (B) Spinal nerves
(C) Cranial nerves (D) Autonomic nervous system

40. Glycosidic bond is broken during digestion of—
(A) Protein (B) Starch
(C) Lipid (D) All the above

41. Postganglionic parasympathetic fibres are—
(A) Adrenergic (B) Cholinergic
(C) Both (A) and (B) (D) None of these

42. In glycosuria disorder, urine contains—
(A) Amino acid (B) Inorganic ions
(C) Glucose (D) Epithelial cells

43. Mammillary bodies are attached to the ventral side of—
(A) Olfactory lobe (B) Cerebral hemisphere
(C) Diencephalon (D) Medulla oblongata

44. Argentaffin cells are associated with—
(A) Tumour (B) Heart muscle
(C) Pericardium (D) Pelvis of kidney

45. Sweating on palm and sole due to psychic stimuli is called—
(A) Bradykinin (B) Blushing
(C) Cold sweat (D) None of these

46. Inherited Rh gene is found in—
(A) Rh+ individuals (B) Rh individuals
(C) AB blood group individuals (D) O blood group individuals

47. The ‘soft spot’ on the top of an infant’s skull is called—
(A) Suture (B) Fontanel
(C) Ligament (D) Fascia

48. Concentration of carbonic acid does not increase in blood due to the presence of—
(A) Na+ (B) K+
(C) Ca++ (D) Mg++

49. Staph food poisoning is related with—
(A) Salmonella bacteria (B) Clostridium bacteria
(C) Staphylococcus bacteria (D) None of these

50. Capacitation is—
(A) Final stage in maturation of spermatozoa (B) Final stage in fertilization
(C) Maturation of ovum (D) All of these

Answers with Hints
1. (B) Bruch’s membrane is a glassy membrane of the uvea of eye lying between the choroids membrane and the pigmented epithelium of the retina. It is also known as lamina basalis of the choroid or vitreous lamella.
2. (B) Medulla contains ascending sensory and descending motor nerves, and contains site where major motor nerves cross to opposite side of nervous system, allowing one side of brain to control opposite side of body.
3. (A) Fetuin is a type of globulin found in foetus and is required for the cell proliferation
and growth of foetus. 
4. (B) Hensen’s body is modified Golgi net found in the hair cells of the Organ of Corti.
5. (A) Ruffini’s corpuscles are encapsulated sensory nerve endings found in subcutaneous
tissue of finger tips and thought to mediate sense of warmth.
6. (D) Arginine is crystalline basic amino acid obtained from decomposition of vegetable
tissues, protamines and proteins. 
7. (A)
8. (A) Negri bodies are very minute bodies formed in nerve cells of the brain of one affected by rabies.
9. (B) Schultze’s bundle is commashaped path of fibres in middle of spinal cord’s fasciculus cuneatus.
10. (A) Schlemm’s canal is space or series of spaces at the junction of the sclera and the cornea of the eye into which aqueous humor is drained from the anterior chamber through
the pectinate villi.
11. (A) Capsule of Tenon is a thin fibrous sac enveloping the eyeball, forming a socket in
which it rotates.
12. (C) 13. (B)
14. (B) Carboniferous was the recent period of the Palaeozoic, some 355–280 million years ago. It was characterized by the evolution amphibians on swampy land, a few primitive early reptiles and giant ferns.
15. (D)
16. (B) Involution is rolling over of cells during gastrulation from the surface towards interior of the developing gastrula.
17. (D) Heart’s wall possesses three layers, i.e., the outer epicardium (serous layer), the middle myocardium (cardiac muscle), and the inner endocardium. Endocardium lines the four chambers of the heart and covers the valves. 
18. (C) Carriers of genetic disorders (those heterozygous for the condition, but who do not themselves exhibit it) can be diagnosed through screening procedures during genetic
19. (D) The epithelial cells of the intestinal mucose manufacture and secrete peptidase and disaccharidase digestive enzymes. They are not released into the lumen of the intestine but remain closely associated with the microvilli of the epithelial cells.
20. (D) The glucose and galactose enter intestinal mucosa by active transport, while fructose enters by facilitated diffusion.
21. (D) The liver stores glycogen to fulfil body’s requirement of glucose for energy during starvation.
22. (B)
23. (B) Changes occurring to molecules of globular proteins and nucleic acid in solution in response to extremes of pH or temperature is called denaturation.
24. (A) Allometry is the study of relationship between size and shape. Organisms do not grow isometrically, rather proportions change as size changes.
25. (C)
26. (A) Hürthle cell is benign or malignant tumour of the thyroid gland. The cells are large and acidophilic.
27. (C) Sarcomas are cancer of connective tissues. Fibroblast is the characteristic cell type of vertebrate connective tissue.
28. (A) Syngraft is also known as isograft. It is a kind of grafting between isogenic individuals such as identical twins.
29. (D) Point mutations involve minor changes in the genetic material, often single base-pair substitution. Sickle-cell anaemia is genetically determined disorder, caused by homozygosity, producing a single amino acid substitution in the b-chain of the normal haemoglobin molecule. 
30. (A) Industrial melanism provides one of the best examples of evolution within species and of natural selection.
31. (C) Dopamine is a neurotransmitter whose low concentration produces symptoms of Parkinson’s disease and over production causes Schizophrenia.
32. (B) Lactic acid is a carboxylic acid, formed in metabolism of many bacteria. In milk, lactose is converted into lactic acid by metabolic activities of bacteria. Lactic acid
gives sour taste to milk. 
33. (C) Red tide is reddish discolouration of coastal surface waters due to concentrations of certain toxin producing dinoflagellates.
34. (B) Anaphylaxis is a type of hypersensitivity resulting due to interaction of humoral antibodies with mast cells and basophils.
35. (B) 36. (D)
37. (D) Mutations which are large and conspicuous are called macromutations and those very inconspicuous are called micromutation. Change in the genic frequency is the constituent of microevolution.
38. (D) Estrus is the cyclic period of sexual activity in non human female mammals, characterized by congestion of and secretion by the uterine mucosa. During estrus the animal is said to be ‘in heat’.
39. (D) 40. (B)
41. (B) Cholinergic fibres include all preganglionic fibres, all postganglionic parasympathetic fibres, which liberate acetylcholine at their nerve endings.
42. (C)
43. (C) A pair of small rounded bodies, the mammillary bodies lie behind the infundi-bulum in Diencephalon.
44. (A) Argentaffinoma is tumour, having argentaffin cells.
45. (C) 46. (A)
47. (B) In a newborn infant, the bones of the skull are still developing and these are relatively wide spaces between them. The spaces contain tough sheets of connective tissue that connect the bones and are called fontanels.
48. (A)
49. (C) Staph food poisoning, once known as ptomaine poisoning, results from toxins produced by Staphylococcus bacteria growing on food.
50. (A) Capacitation is the final stage in maturation of mammalian spermatozoa, without
which they cannot engage in fertilization.

Model Paper for Various Medical Entrance ExaminationsBOTANY

1. In the nucleoplasm there occurs a conspicuous body of spherical shape attached to a particular chromosome on a definite position. This is called—
(A) Plasmid
(B) Nucleolus
(C) Centromere
(D) Karyolymph

2. Restorer gene for fertility is present in—
(A) Ribosome
(B) Nucleus
(C) Endoplasmic reticulum
(D) Polyribosome

3. The points at which crossing over occurs between homologous chromosomes are called—
(A) Chromonemata
(B) Chromomere
(C) Chiasmata
(D) All of the above

4. The process in which the amount of DNA, RNA and protein can be known at a time is called—
(A) Autoradiography
(B) Cellular fractioning
(C) Phase-contrast microscopy
(D) All of the above

5. The diploid number of chromosomes in rice is—
(A) 12
(B) 24
(C) 36
(D) 48

6. Inflorescence in coconut is—
(A) Compound spadix
(B) Hypanthodium
(C) Cyathium
(D) Strobile

7. Which of the following antibiotics blocks the synthesis of bacterial cell wall ?
(A) Streptomycin
(B) Tetracycline
(C) Penicillin
(D) Erythromycin

8. A technique used for studying the effect of deficiency or toxicity of mineral nutrients on plant growth and metabolism is called—
(A) Hydroculture
(B) Hydroponics
(C) Solution culture
(D) All of the above

9. Which of the following enzymes recognizes particularly common DNA lesions ?
(A) RNA polymerase
(B) DNA polymerase
(C) DNA glycolysase
(D) All of the above

10. The efficient oil eating ‘super bug’ developed through genetic engineering used in cleaning of oil spills polluted sites is a species of—
(A) Citrobacter
(B) Pseudomonas
(C) Arthrobacter
(D) Thiobacillus

11. The appearance of thin-thread like condensing chromosomes marks the first phase of mitosis called—
(A) Metaphase
(B) Prophase
(C) M-phase
(D) None of the above

12. ‘Downy mildew of grape’ is caused by—
(A) Echinocola colona
(B) Malva crispa
(C) Peronospora pisi
(D) None of the above

13. All the reactions from reduction of carbon dioxide to the formation of sugar are included in—
(A) Dark reaction
(B) Light reaction
(C) EMP-pathway
(D) All of the above

14. Nostoc, a blue-green alga, occurs as endophyte in—
(A) Azolla
(B) Anthoceros
(C) Cycas
(D) All of the above

15. Lichens bear a composite structure consisting of two dissimilar organisms, a—
(A) Fungus and alga
(B) Fungus and bacterium
(C) Virus and bacterium
(D) Higher plant’s root and fungus

16. Which of the following nomenclature is correct as per Whittaker’s five kingdoms classification ?
(A) Monera, Protista, Cytobiota, Fungi and Animalia
(B) Monera, Protista, Plantae, Fungi and Animalia
(C) Metaphyta, Plantae, Protista, Fungi and Animalia
(D) Plantae, Protobiota, Fungi, Cytobiota and Animalia

17. The least number of transfer RNA molecules for each of the twenty amino acids found in proteins is—
(A) 20
(B) 40
(C) 1
(D) 2

18. Which of the following are known as phanerogams without ovary ?
(A) Thallophytes
(B) Pteridophytes
(C) Bryophytes
(D) Gymnosperms

19. How many turns of Calvin cycle yield one molecule of glucose ?
(A) Three
(B) Four
(C) Five
(D) Six

20. Which of the following anatomical features of leaf does not reduce the rate of transpiration ?
(A) Compact mesophyll cells in the leaf
(B) Increase in number of stomata
(C) Thick cuticle surrounding outermost part of plant parts
(D) All of the above

21. Energy and nutrients enter a community first through—
(A) Scavengers
(B) Detrivores
(C) Consumers
(D) Producers

22. The radicle is found at the lower end of the hypocotyl and embryonic shoot is found above the insertion of the—
(A) Leaf
(B) Cotyledons
(C) Stem
(D) Root

23. Which of the following algae is known as ‘Mermaid’s wine goblet’ ?
(A) Acetabularia
(B) Ulothrix
(C) Nostoc
(D) All of the above

24. Which of the following fruit is/are found in family Ranunculaceae ?
(A) Achenes
(B) Capsule
(C) Berry
(D) All of the above

25. Dacrydium laxifolium is a/an—
(A) Mushroom of great economic value
(B) Isolated bacterium from rotten apple
(C) Smallest conifer
(D) Iodine containing marine alga

26. Ribosome is made up of—
(A) RNA and protein
(B) Protein only
(C) RNA only
(D) DNA only

27. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) based markers have been developed to—
(A) Differentiate different biotypes of gall midge
(B) Manufacture antibiotics
(C) Create termination codon
(D) Obtain soil micro-organisms with the help of reductase enzyme

28. Which of the following enzymes converts glucose into ethyl alcohol ?
(A) Zymase
(B) Invertase
(C) Maltase
(D) Diastase

29. Which of the following is/are homopolysaccharide(s) ?
(A) Dextran
(B) Glycogen
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) Hyaluronic acid

30. PME is a/an—
(A) Pesticide
(B) Enzyme
(C) Insecticide
(D) Plant growth regulator

Answers :1. (B) 2. (B) 3. (C) 4. (B) 5. (B) 6. (A) 7. (C) 8. (C) 9. (C) 10. (B)
11. (B) 12. (D) 13. (A) 14. (D) 15. (A) 16. (B) 17. (C) 18. (D) 19. (D) 20. (B)
21. (D) 22. (B) 23. (A) 24. (D) 25. (C) 26. (A) 27. (A) 28. (A) 29. (C) 30. (B) 



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