Sunday 15 April 2018

Child Development and Pedagogy Important Notes

Directions –Answer the following questions by selecting the most appropriate option. 
1. At lower classes, play-way method of teaching is based on- 
(A) theory of physical education programmes (B) principles of methods of teaching 
(C) psychological principles of development and growth (D) sociological principles of teaching (Ans : C)

2. Dyslexia is associated with– 
(A) mental disorder (B) mathematical disorder (C) reading disorder (D) behavioural disorder (Ans : C)

3. Education of children with special needs should be provided– 
(A) along with other normal children (B) by methods developed for special children in special schools 
(C) in special school (D) by special teachers in special schools (Ans : A)

4. In the process of learning, motivation– 
(A) sharpens the memory of learners (B) differentiates new learning from old learning 
(C) makes learners think unidirectionally (D) creates interest for learning among new learners (Ans : D)

5. A student of grade 5 with visual deficiency should be– 
(A) excused to do a lower level of work (B) helped with his/her routine work by parents and friends 
(C) treated normally in the classroom and provided support through audio CDs 
(D) given special treatment in the classroom (Ans : C)

6. Blackboard can be included in which group/category of teaching aid? 
(A) Audio aid (B) Visual aid (C) Audio-visual aid (D) None of these (Ans : B)

7. Which of the following is related with teaching skill? 
(A) Blackboard writing (B) Solving questions (C) Asking questions (D) All of these (Ans : *)

8. Students who ask questions in class should be– 
(A) advised to meet the teacher after class (B) encouraged to participate in class discussion 
(C) encouraged to continue asking questions (D) encouraged to find answers independently (Ans : B)

9. Kindergarten system of education was proposed by– 
(A) T. P. Nunn (B) Spencer (C) Froebel (D) Montessori (Ans : C)

10. A guardian never comes to see you in school. You will– 
(A) ignore the child (B) write to the guardian (C) go to meet him yourself (D) start punishing the child (Ans : C)

11. The current view of childhood assumes that– 
(A) children are similar to adults in many ways (B) children are best treated as young adults 
(C) childhood is basically a 'waiting period' (D) childhood is a unique period of growth and change (Ans : D)

12. In preparing a fifth grade class to take a standardized reading test, the teacher is be advised to– 
(A) tell the children the test is very important and they should do the best they can 
(B) mark key questions from a previous test and allow the pupils to answer them 
(C) coach the below grade level readers, as the rest of the class will do well anyway 
(D) give the pupils practice in answering questions similar to the type that way appear in, the test (Ans : D)

13. A child from a disorganized home will experience the greatest difficulty with– 
(A) well-structured lessons (B) independent study (C) programmed instruction (D) workbooks (Ans : A)

14. You find a student to be intelligent. You will– 
(A) remain pleased with him (B) not give him additional homework 
(C) motivate him so that he can make more progress (D) inform his parents about the fact that he is intelligent (Ans : C)

15. If some students are not in a mood to study in the class, you will– 
(A) force them to study (B) tell those students to leave the class 
(C) warn them that they must study or else you will report the matter to the principal 
(D) tell them some interesting things related to their interest or your own subject (Ans : D)

16. The stage in which a child begins to think logically about objects and events is known as– 
(A) sensori-motor stage (B) formal operational stage (C) pre-operational stage (D) concrete operational stage (Ans : D)

17. Four distinct stages of children's intellectual development were identified by– 
(A) Kohlberg (B) Erikson (C) Skinner (D) Piaget (Ans : D)

18. Parents should playa ………. role in the learning process of young children. 
(A) negative (B) proactive (C) sympathetic (D) neutral (Ans : B)

19. Which is the place where the child's cognitive development is defined in the best way? 
(A) Playground (B) School and classroom (C) Auditorium (D) Home (Ans : B)

20. ………. is considered a sign of motivated teaching. 
(A) Maximum attendance in class (B) Remedial work given by the teacher 
(C) Questioning by students (D) Pin drop silence in the class (Ans : C)

21. To maintain interest among students in class, a teacher should– 
(A) use the blackboard (B) discuss (C) tell stories (D) ask questions (Ans : D)

22. Why should students play games in school? 
(A) It makes them physically strong. (B) It makes work easier for teachers. 
(C) It helps in passing time. (D) It develops co-operation and physical balance (Ans : D)

23. Family is a means of– 
(A) informal education (B) formal education (C) non-formal education (D) distance education (Ans : A)

24. A teacher can develop social values among students by– 
(A) telling them about great people (B) developing a sense of discipline 
(C) behaving ideally (D) telling them good stories (Ans : C)

25. What is most important for a teacher? 
(A) To maintain discipline in class (B) To be punctual in class 
(C) To remove difficulties of students (D) To be a good orator (Ans : C)

26. How will you bring a hyperactive child on the right path? 
(A) Make him sit in the front row and keep a strict vigil on him (B) Allocate a seat for him in a corner of the class 
(C) Give him tasks of cleaning the blackboard, etc. (D) None of these (Ans : C)

27. Children's attitudes towards persons of different ethnic groups are generally based upon– 
(A) attitudes of their parents (B) attitudes of their peers (C) influence of television (D) attitudes of their siblings (Ans : A)

28. You have been told to accommodate two mentally retarded children in your class. You will– 
(A) refuse to accept them as your students (B) tell the principal to accommodate them in another class exclusively for mentally retarded children 
(C) learn techniques to teach such students (D) None of these (Ans : C)

29. A teacher has to be resourceful. It means– 
(A) he should have enough money and property so that he need not offer tuitions 
(B) he should have contacts at higher levels of authority 
(C) he should have adequate knowledge to be able to solve the problems of his students 
(D) he should have good reputation among students (Ans : C)

30. Emotional adjustment of students is effective in– 
(A) personality formation (B) class teaching (C) discipline (D) All of these (Ans : D)

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